Biomass Combined with Oil at Bathurst Chaleur Regional Hospital
One large boiler will soon be on line to produce 98% of the annual hospital energy needs (including heating and cooling) using biomass as the energy source. The boiler will produce steam for the production of electricity. On normal months it is expected there will be a small net surplus of power that, through net metering, can be returned to the grid. This will result in virtually a self-sustaining facility at a much-reduced cost. This boiler replaces three older boilers. An oil-fired boiler can be used as a backup during a shutdown for maintenance and cleaning. Innovative funding for this …
Geothermal in Burtts Corner
After the first winter, the owners wanted to reduce their energy bills. The first winter cost them $4,200 with an oil furnace. After the installation of the water source heat pump their heating bills dropped to $1,100 a year, even after adding over 305 square metres of living space and cooling in the summer. The owner was told that his well would have sufficient flow to meet the 18 litres/minute the heat pump needed. When the heat pump was first started it ran the well dry so they had to drill the well down another 9 metres (total depth of …