Crossfire Masonry Heater in Woodstock
The owner built the fireplace around an existing home; he says it would have been much easier to build the house around the fireplace. The owner went from 5 cords of hardwood to burning 2 cords of soft wood and scraps, but in addition to the house was also completed during the same time period. Because the heat lasts for so long, less time/labour is spent filling the fireplace with wood. The owner decided that a masonry heater would best suit his needs, after looking at several different types they decided on the Crossfire 950-kg (2100-lb.) insert (Model number CF-2100-BO). …
Geothermal Heat Pump in North Lake
Upon buying a new house the owners decided to replace the existing electric heaters with a more efficient Ground Source Heat Pump. They also added spray foam with an R value of 18 to the basement walls to reduce heat loss. A Heat Recovery Ventilator was also added to remove heat from stale air exiting the home and preheat the air entering the Ground Source Heat Pump. All of the above helps the home achieve an ENERguide rating of 88. The Ground Source Heat Pump provides space heating/cooling as well as domestic hot water heating for the 439 m2 home. The heat …