Biomass Combined with Oil at Bathurst Chaleur Regional Hospital
One large boiler will soon be on line to produce 98% of the annual hospital energy needs (including heating and cooling) using biomass as the energy source. The boiler will produce steam for the production of electricity. On normal months it is expected there will be a small net surplus of power that, through net metering, can be returned to the grid. This will result in virtually a self-sustaining facility at a much-reduced cost. This boiler replaces three older boilers. An oil-fired boiler can be used as a backup during a shutdown for maintenance and cleaning. Innovative funding for this …
Passive Solar in Heath Steele
This is a retirement home on the North West Miramichi that the couple spent decades designing and refining. The building is …
Active Solar at Coastal Inn in Dieppe
The hotel uses compact florescent lightbulbs (CFLs) exclusively, and replaced air conditioners with more efficient heat pumps which help save energy during the shoulder seasons especially. No regular maintenance required, though the owner monitors the collector fluid temperature on very hot summer days. This environmentally friendly 4 Green Key Eco Rated hotel is reducing its carbon footprint by providing solar heated hot water. Solar energy is absorbed by twelve flat plate solar hot water collectors bolted to the roof. The collectors are located on the south-western facing side. During the interview the temperature outside was −5.0 °C (23 °F). The fluid inside …
EcoPlusHome in Bathurst
Outstanding Energy Efficiency Project: Residential New Construction, EcoPlusHome (Bathurst) Put simply, the EcoPlusHome is the most energy efficient home on record with Efficiency NB’s New Homes Program. The home was built this year in Bathurst through the collaboration and partnership of a number of companies who were brought together by Axel Lerche of marketing firm Tight Lines Production Ltd. The goal with the EcoPlusHome was to create a smart home environment in which the occupants did not rely on fossil fuels for electricity and heating needs. The home was designed as a complete system which began with site selection and …
2.4kW Wind Turbine on School in Shippagan
“Expertise in this field is difficult to find and that he had to be very resourceful to get the project completed”, according to the project coordinator for this project. Among other things, this turbine is used to power this Shippagan school’s small ecological radio. An ecological greenhouse should be set up soon at the school since at the moment, it is a large system not being used to its maximum capacity. The unused energy is sent to the electrical grid through a net meter, pictured below. If repeating this project, the coordinator would choose the same type of turbine, but …
Solar Hot Water in Caraquet
According to Mr. Robichaud, this system is very efficient as it does not take much sunlight to power it since, in addition to sunlight, it also use UV rays to heat the water on the roof. …
Solar Hot Water on apartment building in Bois-Blanc
In 1997, seeing the constant rise in electricity costs, this apartment owner decided to install solar panels on his building. If he were to repeat this project, the owner says he would install the same type, but would make use of the system’s full potential to heat both the hot water tanks along with the building’s floors. This solar system runs 3 large 270 L (60 gal.) tanks totalling 820 L (180 gal.) which supply hot water for 18 tenants. With a lifespan of more than 35 years, it was rated the best solar system at the time and won first prize in North America. …
1.05 kW Photovoltaic System on School in Caraquet
The best-performing and most impressive system I have seen to date. A model worth going to see. Starting this year, this school will offer a course on renewable energy. Delta Control. …
2.4 kW Wind Turbine on School in Caraquet
The best-performing and most impressive system I have seen to date. A model worth going to see. Starting this year, this school will offer a course on renewable energy. …
2.3 kW Wind Turbine in Bertrand
The client noted that the government should offer grants to the general public to encourage such projects. This system runs a pump in the stable, 11 fluorescent lights, and several outlets. It provides power for the entire workshop, for its many 110-V electrical devices. The owner’s future plans for the project are to power his house with this type of system in the event of an electrical failure. He is now thinking about installing solar panels, to supplement the system on sunny, but not windy, days. If he were starting again, he would install a larger turbine. His current system can …